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Phi Lambda Omega Chapter History
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PLO Charter Members

Adrianne Y. Allen

Janis Y. Allen

Bettye Alston*

Emily Black Barbee

LaSherrie McKinnie Bates

Mary Flowers Butcher

Constancvella L. Byrd

Cheryl Diane Carter

DanSherryl Chewe

Jeraldine Moss Davis

Maurrieta Deloris Downey

Toni Wallace Franklin

Tamala Nicole Gilbert

Patricia Ann Gill*

Rhonda Jones Grant

Janice Gill Gray

LaTreka S. Grimes

Judy Holmes Guy

Bernadette Horton

Sheila Hubbard

Gwenda Gilstrap Hudson

Trina Brown Hyman

Deborah A. Ingram

Vanessa M. Jenkins

Latarsha Jones

Phyllis L. Jones

Velma Lois Jones

Joann Sevier Laws

Doris J. Smith Lewis*

Elma Hubbard Mardis*

Marlah Mardis-Phillips

Jacqualine Davis Mayo

Regina Lewis Morris

Felicia D. Murphy

Marie Kirk Owens

Paula Munday Payne

Janese Knox Perry

Crystal Rodgers Porter

Janelle Bledsoe Pringle

Gloria Jean Pryor-Lewis

Aleasa Renee’ Rankin

Daphne Elaine Rankin

Aline Reddick

Juanita B. Richardson

Gloria Downey Robinson*

Tenela D.  Rodgers

Bonitta Joyce Saulsberry

Cynthia Elaine Scales

Gail Patrice Seymour

Malrie Riley Shelton

Gwendolyn Gilbert Shorter*

Arther M. Myers Wells

Trudi Dunnings Williamson

Darius Harris Wilson

Julia Doggett Woodard*



*Ivy Beyond the Wall

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated Phi Lambda Omega Chapter in Memphis, Tennessee was organized on January 10, 1999.  A group of twelve (12) members met informally to determine the level of interest in forming a second graduate chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in the Memphis area.  This group felt a second graduate chapter in Memphis would respond to the call of reclaiming 20,000 members by 2000.  Additionally, a second chapter would enable members to provide a service to the community in which they lived, and provide a nurturing environment where members could learn and grow in a medium-sized chapter.


The name Vision 2000: Cultured Pearls was adopted with a Mission Statement of:  Reclaim inactive members, Retain current members and Renew the AKA SPIRIT in all of us.  Recommitting our lives to “service to all mankind,” the first service project was held on January 30, 1999. The application for a second chapter in Memphis was submitted to the Regional Director on September 9, 1999.  The Directorate met on November 7, 1999, and approved the application.  On November 9, 1999, the Corporate Office approved for a second graduate chapter in Memphis.  January 8, 2000, was ushered in as the 92nd birthday of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and the "birth" of Phi Lambda Omega Chapter.  The Chapter was chartered with a total of 55 chapter members.  The leadership pool of Vision 2000:  Cultured Pearls is quite vast.  Included among its members are the former Supreme Parliamentarian and South Eastern Regional Director Velma Lois Jones, six former Presidents of graduate chapters, eight former Presidents of undergraduate chapters, four life members and a Leadership Fellow. 


The number of years of service to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority spans from 1 year to 50+ years.  Phi Lambda Omega Chapter has grown to over 532 members.  PLO has an excellent mix of new and old, seasoned and inexperienced; energetic and retiring; singles, members with children, and members with grandchildren.  These diverse needs and varying schools of thoughts help PLO better understand and meet the needs of the community it serves.

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